About me
Where is DC5GD right now to be heared in cw? Right here! (click).DC5GD's cw activities? He is a lazy dog! (click).
Which interesting stations are on air? Show me! (cick).

please refer to menu item "Contact".
After I was active in CB radio on 11 meters for some time, I decided to do things "right" and I got my amateur radio license in September 1978.
After a break of almost 40 years, I am thanks to HB9APJ (Henry) and DC2TI (Karl-Heinz) active again since 2015. Also involved was an old QSL card (click). Here is the story (unfortunately only available in German Language) in the
CQ DL magazine 03/2016 and in the Funktelegramm 11/2015 (click to view).
Almost all my QSOs I do with my old Junker key in CW. As a newcomer I have to send "pse QRS +++ novice here" or "pse ur QTH es ur name agn" very often. hi hi hi At this point I would like to thank all OMs who have patience with me in reducing the speed!
Here is an excerpt of the stations I have worked at so far
• almost all in CW with a Junker key
• with a YAESU FT-857 with max. 100 Watt
• FD3 dipole antenna
For more details just click on the picture... Anyone who wants a similar maps just download my LogBook (click)
Here it's shown and described how to do it.